
Guitar fetish
Guitar fetish

guitar fetish

Nel mercato internazionale, qualsiasi cosa è ricoperta di plastica colorata e ha sei corde viene chiamata Eko. Con la sua improvvisa scomparsa nel 1967 il progetto venne abbandonato.

guitar fetish

Oliviero Pigini stava preparando una fusione vera del ramo chitarre delle due imprese. Certi modelli Vox (ma anche Eko ) denotano una fusione dei contributi tecnici di Eko e Crucianelli. Dal 1965 si delinea una specializzazione sempre più accentuata, Eko si focalizza sulle chitarre acustiche e solidbody, Crucianelli sulle semi-acustiche, ed entrambi lavorano per Vox. Nella prima metà degli anni 60, al tempo del celluloide a brillantini, le due aziende sono in concorrenza frontale, a ogni modello Eko ne corrispondeva uno speculare della Crucianelli. I rapporti con Eko determinano tutta la storia delle chitarre Crucianelli. Nei primi anni 60, dovendosi confrontare con la crisi del settore, l’azienda si diversificò nella produzione di chitarre, sull’esempio di Oliviero Pigini e della sua Eko. La ditta Crucianelli fu fondata nel 1888 a Castelfidardo da Sante Crucianelli, ex-collaboratore di Paolo Soprani ed egli stesso uno dei pionieri dell’industria locale della fisarmonica. Deffner.) and Tonemaster (by The Imperial Accordion Co., Chicago), more or less special models supplied in contract manufacturing to big OEMs like Vox and Baldwin, there were the brands applied by American traders such as España, Ardsley, FH, and a crowd of minor U.S. There were brandnames given by the official American distributors, PANaramic (by PANcordion Inc., NYC a accordion company from Ernest F. Some belonged to Crucianelli, especially Élite and the rarer names Elli-Sound and Custom Built. Those guitars seldom confess readily their true origine, they hide inside a maze of brandnames. Crucianelli guitars are very often confused with Eko and sold as such. On the international market any six-stringed thing with a colourful plastic coating is called an Eko. His sudden death in 1967 didn’t allow the project come to reality. Olivieri Pigini was planning a merger of both companies’ guitar operations. Technical contributions of Eko and Crucianelli melt together on certain Vox (and even Eko ) models.

guitar fetish guitar fetish

From 1965 on both companies increasingly specializes in its own field, Eko focuses on acoustics and solidbodies, Crucianelli on semi-acoustics, and both cooperate with Vox. During the glitter celluloid era of the first half-decade the two companies are in tough competition, for every Eko model comes out a matching Crucianelli instrument. The relationship to Eko determines Crucianelli’s whole guitar history. Everything I tried other than their Strat pickups were crap.The Crucianelli company was founded in 1888 in Castelfidardo by Sante Crucianelli, a former partner of Paolo Soprani and also a pioneer of the regional accordion industry.įacing the crisis that hit the sector in the early 60′s the company diversified its business in guitar manufacturing following Oliviero Pigini’s example with his Eko company. That is the only thing they can do though.

#Guitar fetish how to

They figured out and perfected how to make a great sounding pickup for cheap. In my opinion it seems that GFS is a one trick pony type shop. I have heard AMAZING reviews of their Mean 90 pickups as well. In all fairness though, my buddy has a set of the GFS Alnico pickups in his Strat and they sound AMAZING! Just as good as any Seymour Duncan pickups. Came with 500k pots, brittle sounding and useless. The guard was crap and the tortoise looked like it was printed on there rather cheaply. Unlike his description, it DOES look like a cheap Saga guitar kit assembly. Ordered their prewired SSS pick guard (the $35 one). Only paid like $25 bucks though so no harm done to my wallet I suppose. I put my old used and beat up MIM saddles on it since they were still better. The chrome on the baseplate started chipping so fast, it did not sit well in the cavity of my guitar, and the saddles were the cheapest thing I have ever seen. GFS Solid block tremolo unit (not the Wilkinson branded): Garbage. I have ordered a few things from GFS before.

Guitar fetish